Simple presentation of key introductory science principles makes this series ideal for emergent readers.
Each book includes questions and an activity to encourage learning, engagement and independent thinking.
Each book includes questions and an activity to encourage learning, engagement and independent thinking.
Day and Night
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-34-3 US paperback: 978-1-925248-74-6 US library bound: 978-1-925249-01-9 When the sun rises in the east, the day is filled with light. When the sun sets in the west, the night is very dark. Why do we have days and nights? Look in this book, and the sun will tell you all about it. Subject: day and night |
The Festival of the Sun
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-71-3 US paperback: 978-1-925186-14-7 US library bound: 978-1-925186-20-8 The sun is the star that provides the light and heat needed for life on Earth. From plant life to seasons and solar power, this is a good introductory science text about the sun. Learn about the star of our solar system and the importance of the sun to life on Earth with a joyfully illustrated book. Subject: sun |
What Shape is the Moon?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-72-0 US paperback: 978-1-925186-15-4 US library bound: 978-1-925186-21-5 The moon is a round sphere, like a ball. It rises every evening but its shape seems to change little by little every night. Why is this so? Learn about the lunar cycle and learn the real shape of the moon with this cutely illustrated storybook. Subject: moon |
Will It Rain or Snow? bestseller
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-69-0 US paperback: 978-1-925186-12-3 US library bound: 978-1-925186-18-5 The weather changes every day and has a big impact on our daily lives. How can we predict what the weather will be like? We can predict weather by watching how animals around us are behaving. Animals can sense major changes in the weather faster than humans. Subject: predicting weather |
Secrets of Air
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-70-6 US paperback: 978-1-925186-13-0 US library bound: 978-1-925186-19-2 This book introduces the properties and functions of air, showing readers that air is amazing even though it is invisible. With clear writing and diagrammatic explanations, children can learn the physical properties of air that allow us to breathe, create weather and so much more. Subject: air |
When the Wind Blows
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-32-9 US paperback: 978-1-925248-72-2 US library bound: 978-1-925248-99-9 Some days, the wind is as gentle as a butterfly. Other days, the wind pushes black clouds our way and brings rain. What makes wind and what does it do? Subject: wind |
Fossils Tell Stories bestseller
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-73-7 US paperback: 978-1-925186-16-1 US library bound: 978-1-925186-22-2 This book is a great introduction to the interesting world of fossils with creative collage illustrations. When we study fossils we realize that these remains can tell us exciting stories about their ancient lives. Children can learn exactly what is and isn't a fossil and even make one of their own! Subject: fossils |
We Need Soil
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-33-6 US paperback: 978-1-925248-73-9 US library bound: 978-1-925249-00-2 Many kinds of living things need soil. Different creatures live in soil. Soil contains nutrients that plants use to grow and when living things die, they become part of the soil. It is a living part of our world. Subject: soil |
The Flow of Water bestseller
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-921790-74-4 US paperback: 978-1-925186-17-8 US library bound: 978-1-925186-23-9 Early in the morning, mist rises from the sea to make clouds in the sky that drops rain on the earth. The rain forms trickles then form streams and rivers that flow into sea. The journey of water is ready to begin all over again. After reading this book, children will understand the different forms of water. Subject: water |
The Best Caretakers 238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-08-4 US paperback: 978-1-925247-15-2 US library bound: 978-1-925247-41-1 An ecosystem is a community of animals and plants that work together to create an environment that supports their life. Every ecosystem needs plants and animals that help keep the environment clean. Subject: Ecosystem |
The Journey of Seeds
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-10-7 US paperback: 978-1-925247-17-6 US library bound: 978-1-925247-43-5 How do seeds find their way to a place where they will grow? We will find the answer when we travel with the seeds. Subject: Seed propagation |
Where is That Fly?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-09-1 US paperback: 978-1-925247-16-9 US library bound: 978-1-925247-42-8 Some plants have special features that catch insects. Such plants are called “carnivorous plants.” Let's learn about these special plants. Subject: Carnivorous plants |
Good Friends
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-70-4 US paperback: 978-1-925233-64-3 US library bound: 978-1-925233-58-2 Learn about symbiotic relationships between animals. Many animals work together to get food and to protect one another from natural enemies. Discover how animal friends live together, as they help one another. Subject: animal mutualism |
Ah, I'm Full
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-71-1 US paperback: 978-1-925233-65-0 US library bound: 978-1-925233-59-9 The leaves of the bellflower are eaten by the grasshopper who is then eaten by the spider. But, who will eat the spider? Discover the food chain of eating and being eaten that unfolds in this book. Subject: food chain |
All Kinds of Nests
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-72-8 US paperback: 978-1-925233-66-7 US library bound: 978-1-925233-60-5 Birds make nests to suit their way of living. Each nest is best suited for the bird that made it. A grebe’s nest floats on water. A skylark’s nest is on the ground. Find out about different birds by looking at their nests. Subject: birds |
Insects and Spiders
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-73-5 US paperback: 978-1-925233-67-4 US library bound: 978-1-925233-61-2 Swoosh! Wriggle, wriggle! The forest is full of insects moving about and spiders spinning webs. Let’s have a closer look at the lives of insects and spiders and learn about the differences between them. Subject: insects and spiders |
Twinkle, Twinkle!
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-74-2 US paperback: 978-1-925233-68-1 US library bound: 978-1-925233-62-9 Learn about the life cycle of insects. Insects have four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This book vividly shows the life cycle of fireflies that twinkle their tail lights in the summer night sky. Subject: insect life cycles |
What Lives in the Sea?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925233-75-9 US paperback: 978-1-925233-69-8 US library bound: 978-1-925233-63-6 The sea is full of life. Some creatures are very small and some of them are very big. Every sea creature hunts for food and tries to protect itself from enemies. Find out how they do this. Subject: marine life |
Static Electricity 238x250mm / 32pp
UK softcover: 978-1-925234-30-5 US paperback: 978-1-925248-70-8 US library bound: 978-1-925248-97-5 Mira and her dog Popo are bored. Mira decides to look in her big sister's room. She touches the doorknob. Zap! Flash! Mira gets a big shock. How does the doorknob make her hand tingle? Subject: static electricity |
Use a Pulley!
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-29-9 US paperback: 978-1-925248-69-2 US library bound: 978-1-925248-96-8 Grandfather gives some tasks for a lazy boy to complete. The clever boy comes up with ideas to make the jobs easier. Let's find out how the boy uses pulleys. Subject: simple machines-pulley |
Wheels Go Round and Round
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-28-2 US paperback: 978-1-925248-68-5 US library bound: 978-1-925186-59-8 Wheels travel around the world. They come to a country where there are no wheels. How do people live without wheels? Soon wheels come to help people. Subject: simple machines-wheels |
Light Finds Colour
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-35-0 US paperback: 978-1-925248-75-3 US library bound: 978-1-925249-02-6 Colour is hidden in white sunlight. It has red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. How do we see the colours in sunlight? And why are objects different colours? Subject: light and color |
It's Falling, Falling!
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1925234-31-2 US paperback: 978-1-925248-71-5 US library bound: 978-1-925248-98-2 Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the earth. We cannot feel gravity. But it affects everything on the planet. Let's find out about the invisible force of gravity. Subject: gravity |
Special Environments
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-07-7 US paperback: 978-1-925247-14-5 US library bound: 978-1-925247-40-4 The world we live in has jungles that are dense with trees, deserts covered with sand and cold snow and ice at the North and South Poles. What plants and animals live in these special places? Subject: Environments |
Animal Talk
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-53-4 US paperback: 978-1-925234-83-1 US library bound: 978-1-925235-13-5 Animals have their own way of communication. Their ways differs depending on each species. This book helps readers understand the ways of animal communication by comparing how they mate, mark their territory and fight. Subject: animal communication |
This Hole, That Hole
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-54-1 US paperback: 978-1-925234-84-8 US library bound: 978-1-925235-14-2 There are many different types of holes in nature. Some animals make holes to find food, others lay eggs in holes and some animals live in holes. Let's find out which animals have made these holes. Subject: different holes found in nature |
Where Are You From?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-55-8 US paperback: 978-1-925234-85-5 US library bound: 978-1-925235-15-9 How are baby animals born? This story explores how two different types of animals are born with the help of easy-to-read text and beautiful illustrations. Subject: oviparous/viviparous animals |
What Can Tails Do?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-58-9 US paperback: 978-1-925234-88-6 US library bound: 978-1-925235-18-0 Why do animals have tails? Let's find the answers in an easy and enjoyable way by examining the various ways animals use their tails for survival. Subject: tails |
How Does It Protect Itself?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-56-5 US paperback: 978-1-925234-86-2 US library bound: 978-1-925235-16-6 Animals have their own way of protecting themselves when they are in danger. Using camouflage, trying to scare the enemy, running away, pretending to be dead, or retreating behind their armor of hard shell or prickles are just some examples. Learn about their amazing techniques for survival. Subject: animal defenses |
Welcome to the Seashore
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925234-57-2 US paperback: 978-1-925234-87-9 US library bound: 978-1-925235-17-3 The seashore is densely populated with a variety of sea creatures that rely on their environment to survive. This book provides fascinating information on how these creatures feed and interact. Subject: seashore creatures |
See, Hear and Feel!
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-31-9 US paperback: 978-1-925235-43-2 US library bound: 978-1-925235-37-1 What do you do with your eyes? What do you do with your nose, ears, tongue and skin? These organs help you see, smell, hear, taste and touch. Find out more about these important parts of your body. Subject: sense organs |
The Farting Princess
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-32-6 US paperback: 978-1-925235-44-9 US library bound: 978-1-925235-38-8 A beautiful princess wanted to find her prince but she had a gassy problem. She couldn’t stop farting. The King worried about his daughter. Was she under a magic spell? Subject: digestion |
What a Beautiful World!
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-33-3 US paperback: 978-1-925235-45-6 US library bound: 978-1-925235-39-5 The world we live in is very big and full of wonder and beauty. Let’s look at our lovely world by going from underground, up into outer space and then down again to the bottom of the sea. Subject: the Earth's layers |
The Great Powers of Nature
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-34-0 US paperback: 978-1-925235-46-3 US library bound: 978-1-925235-40-1 Nature is all around you. It includes the animals, the land, water, air and more. Sometimes even natural disasters such as droughts, floods and volcanic eruptions occur. How do these disasters occur? How can we prepare for them? Subject: natural disasters |
Why Is It Rusty?
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-35-7 US paperback: 978-1-925235-47-0 US library bound: 978-1-925235-41-8 Yun wants to cut some paper, but her scissors won’t cut. What is wrong? The scissors are rusty. Let’s find out why some metals rust and learn how to prevent rust from occurring. Subject: oxidation |
Bubble, Bubble
238x250mm / 32pp UK softcover: 978-1-925235-36-4 US paperback: 978-1-925235-48-7 US library bound: 978-1-925235-42-5 Baby Bear blows bubbles that are really pretty. Baby Bear wants to ride on the big soap bubbles. He wants to make bubbles shaped like triangles and squares. Can he do what he wants to do? Subject: soap bubble |
What Are Shadows?
238x250mm / 32pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-49-4 US library bound: 978-1-925235-53-1 Wherever light shines, I have a friend with me who copies everything I do. When I walk in the sun, the feet of my friend are stuck to my feet. Only in the darkness of the night does my friend go away. Subject: shadow |
Dreams of Flight
238x250mm / 32pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-50-0 US library bound: 978-1-925235-54-8 People saw birds flying freely in the sky. They wanted to fly too. But people do not have wings, so how could they invent them? Follow a dream of flying that slowly became true. Now at last, people can go where no bird has ever flown. Subject: aircraft |
Creating a Concert
238x250mm / 32pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-52-4 US library bound: 978-1-925235-56-2 The elves wanted to put on a concert for the fairy queen, but they didn't have any instruments. So, they made instruments using water glasses, rubber bands, and empty cans. Let's find out more about how they made their concert special. Subject: sound |
Energy Makes Changes
238x250mm / 32pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-51-7 US library bound: 978-1-925235-55-5 What helps athletes run fast, leap high, and throw a hammer far? It is the changing power of energy. Let's go to a stadium and find out more about how athletes use energy and forces to win. Subject: energy transformation |
The Plants Find Their Homes
🟡2021 Fall 238x250mm / 36pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-65-4 US library bound: 978-1-925235-69-2 Plants change over time to fit where they live. They adapt to different places to survive. Learn how plants adapt and live in different places. Subject: plant habitats |
What Can Tiny Creatures Do?
🟡2021 Fall 238x250mm / 36pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-66-1 US library bound: 978-1-925235-70-8 A microorganism is very small living thing that is hard to see with the naked eye. The most common microorganisms are the fungus, protist, and bacteria. They can be both harmful and helpful. Let's learn more about microorganisms. Subject: microorganisms |
Flying High with Wind Power
🟡2021 Fall 238x250mm / 36pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-67-8 US library bound: 978-1-925235-71-5 How do airplanes, birds, and kites fly? Four forces are at work to make them fly in the sky. Let’s look at the secrets of flying. Subject: lift force |
Where Is the Heat Thief?
🟡2021 Fall 238x250mm / 36pp US softcover: 978-1-925235-68-5 US library bound: 978-1-925235-72-2 Heat moves from hot places to cold places. Let's look at how heat moves at Grandma Bear’s house. Subject: movement of heat |
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238x250mm / 32pp US softcover: US library bound: Subject: |